Khet Battambang is an informal blog

This blog is not for academic purpose. We suggests you to read Battambang in Lok Machas's era (បាត់ដំបងសម័យលោកម្ចាស់).

Khet Battambang, the province of rice

>> Thursday, September 10, 2009

This province is at the west of Cambodia, and it benefits to many kinds of plants because of rich fertilizers.

Rice is the main crop which exported into many markets in Cambodia. if you go to many markets in Phnom Penh, you will probably see notes indicating "rice from Battambang." Actually, the rice from this province tastes very good.

Besides rice, there're countless crop which can raise people from starvation. Corns and peanuts are grown everywhere in the province.

Another famous fruit is orange. It is grown mostly at Odam Bang and Banan.

Recently, grape is grown firstly in Cambodia's Battambang


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